Kongai Wiki
Quickening Powder
Type Item
Group Villagers
Version 2.4
Effect 50% chance to increase speed by 3

Brown Villager item. When equipped, there is a 50% chance that each of your attacks is 3 speed faster. When this item procs, wearer will also get a speed+3 buff.

Kongai Card Album Description[]

The unpredictability of Quickening powder can help any Villager sneak in an attack faster than the enemy realizes is possible.

Quickening Powder on characters[]


  • Juju - This helps Juju, since his attacks are slow and especially when one can sneak in a Touch of Doom against Cornelius Constantine. There are better options for him though
  • Popo - Not really needed, all their offensive moves are fast.
  • Tafari - Deadly Poison is Tafari's preferred item, but a speed 4 Leafy Trap may swing tides into your favour.
  • Ubuntu - His moves are slow, it could help, but Death Mask is probably better.
  • Zina - Average Speed moves, there are better options.

Full Art[]

Quickening Powder-0